Let There Be Light


L'chun'ran'NA la-do-NAI, na-RI-ah l'tzuryi-SHEI-nu.
N'kad'MA fa-NAV b'to-DAH, biz-mi-ROT na-RI-ah lo.
Ki el ga-DOL a-do-NAI u-MEH-lechga-DOL al kol e-lo-HIM.
Ah-SHER b'ya-DO mech-k'REI AH-retzv'to-a-FOT ha-RIM lo.


1 Come on! Let’s go sing a song to G-d;; let’s shout for joy to the primordial Rock of our salvatio.
2 Let’s be thankful in G-d’s presence,let’s shout for joy and shower G-d with praise!

3 For the Jah is the greatest God, and a great King above all rulers;
4 In whose hand are the depths of the earth, as well as the heights of the mountains.


(Psalm 95, 1-4)


The soul is a bird and Your voice is the wind
With Wings made of words we intend to ascend
To the depths of the heights — Let there be light
Said the breath to the flesh, Dry bones come to life

So many seek and so many strive
For a view from the peak, just open your eyes
And allow yourself to be moved by the tide
Like The moon in the sky, salute the sun scream I AM ALIVE


L'chun'ran'NA la-do-NAI, na-RI-ah l'tzuryi-SHEI-nu.
N'kad'MA fa-NAV b'to-DAH, biz-mi-ROT na-RI-ah lo.


1 Come on! Let’s go sing a song to G-d;; let’s shout for joy to the primordial Rock of our salvatio.
2 Let’s be thankful in G-d’s presence,let’s shout for joy and shower G-d with praise!

(Psalm 95, 1-2)

But it's not always so simple
Can your heart be whole in a broken temple?
When things fall apart can you make a new start and
Transform a ruin into renaissance art?

Passionate youth escape from the empire
Moment of truth put your feet to the fire
Nothin to prove at home in the wilderness
The world needs Tikkun, we are god given instruments

Ar-ba-IM sha-NAH a-KUT b'dorva-o-MAR am to-EI lei-VAV heim…

10 For forty years was I tested by that generati, and finally said: This is a people that err in their heart…

(Psalm 95, 10)