Animate My Anatomy


Ma Gadluma'asecha Yah,


G-d, your deeds are great
And your thoughts are deeper than deep


(Psalm 92, 6)

World symphony Word symmetry
Turn inwardly out to the Assembly
That surrounds and compounds the crown
While we sweep beneath the throne underground
That's where we found all the fallen fruit
That we gather and elevate back to the root
Sow seeds of light like or zaru
When you pierce the veil there's more to view
There's peaks to climb and secret signs
Believe you me what you seek you find
The valley sighs and the river swells
Every blade of grass got a story to tell
We rap and sing, we dance and dream
Prayer paves the way for the path of peace
We craft the mask of Her majesty
With the handle of the ax still attached to the tree




The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree,
And they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.


(Psalm 92, 13)

Tree of life
Body of a man
Heart of the world
In a grain of sand

Hands of time
Womb of the galaxies
Divine Mind
Animate my anatomy

Ma Gadluma'asecha Yah,


G-d, your deeds are great
And your thoughts are deeper than deep


(Psalm 92, 6)

Let There Be Light


L'chun'ran'NA la-do-NAI, na-RI-ah l'tzuryi-SHEI-nu.
N'kad'MA fa-NAV b'to-DAH, biz-mi-ROT na-RI-ah lo.
Ki el ga-DOL a-do-NAI u-MEH-lechga-DOL al kol e-lo-HIM.
Ah-SHER b'ya-DO mech-k'REI AH-retzv'to-a-FOT ha-RIM lo.


1 Come on! Let’s go sing a song to G-d;; let’s shout for joy to the primordial Rock of our salvatio.
2 Let’s be thankful in G-d’s presence,let’s shout for joy and shower G-d with praise!

3 For the Jah is the greatest God, and a great King above all rulers;
4 In whose hand are the depths of the earth, as well as the heights of the mountains.


(Psalm 95, 1-4)


The soul is a bird and Your voice is the wind
With Wings made of words we intend to ascend
To the depths of the heights — Let there be light
Said the breath to the flesh, Dry bones come to life

So many seek and so many strive
For a view from the peak, just open your eyes
And allow yourself to be moved by the tide
Like The moon in the sky, salute the sun scream I AM ALIVE


L'chun'ran'NA la-do-NAI, na-RI-ah l'tzuryi-SHEI-nu.
N'kad'MA fa-NAV b'to-DAH, biz-mi-ROT na-RI-ah lo.


1 Come on! Let’s go sing a song to G-d;; let’s shout for joy to the primordial Rock of our salvatio.
2 Let’s be thankful in G-d’s presence,let’s shout for joy and shower G-d with praise!

(Psalm 95, 1-2)

But it's not always so simple
Can your heart be whole in a broken temple?
When things fall apart can you make a new start and
Transform a ruin into renaissance art?

Passionate youth escape from the empire
Moment of truth put your feet to the fire
Nothin to prove at home in the wilderness
The world needs Tikkun, we are god given instruments

Ar-ba-IM sha-NAH a-KUT b'dorva-o-MAR am to-EI lei-VAV heim…

10 For forty years was I tested by that generati, and finally said: This is a people that err in their heart…

(Psalm 95, 10)

Sing A New Song


What does it mean to sing a new song?
If you always freestyle no one else can sing along, but
If it's always the same
Then you’re stuck on autopilot — no heart, no brain

Prayer is similar to seducing a lover
When you see each other everyday under the covers
It's interpretive dance and your left to wonder
Who's leading who, is it one or the other?

In a state of grace — sing a new song

Thanks and praise— sing a new song

Radical amaze— sing a new song

Every single day— sing a new song

Love that phrase— sing a new song

Barrel of a wave— sing a new song

Even on stage— sing a new song

Minimum wage— sing a new song

Radical renewal is deeper than novelty
Just cuz its trending don't make it worth following
On the other hand, I got no apology
For smashing idolatry and breaking the monotony

Truth is the glue that holds us together, but
Music is proven to purify the present, so
Join the chorusline of cosmic creation, and
Sing a new song in the name of the ancients

Found another way— sing a new song

Had a good day— sing a new song

Out of harm’s way— sing a new song

Being in the sway— sing a new song

Think I’ll stay— sing a new song

What the Hei— sing a new song

Happily astray— sing a new song

Trump’s toupe— sing a new song


Shiruladonaishirchadash; shiruladonaikolha'aretz.
Shiruladonaibarechushemo; basserumiyomleyomyeshu'ato.
Sapperubagoyimkevodo; bekholha'amimnifle'otav.
Ki gadoladonaiumhullalme'od; norahu al kolelohim.


1 Sing a New Song to G-d; sing Earth unto the LORD!

2 Sing to G-d, bless His name; proclaim Her salvatio from day to day.
3 Declare G-d’s glory among the nations, G-d’smarvello works among the peoples.
4 For great is G-d, and highly to be praised; G-d is to be feared above all other rulers.


(Psalm 96, 1-4)

Arrives The Bride


Lechadodilikrat kala, p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah!

Let’s Go, my Beloved, to meet and greet the bride; let’s receive the inner face of the Sabbath!

Two paths - one step
New flask - old press
Your plan- our test
Let's dance with the bride - our body, your breath

Run through the fields- return to the root
Drink from the well- the stone's been removed
The table was set before the house had a roof
The seed of the tree is concealed in the fruit

Lechadodilikrat kala, p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah!

Let’s Go, my Beloved, to meet and greet the bride; let’s receive the inner face of the Sabbath!

In the palace of time we create holy space
From the ruins of our lives we plead our case
From the pit of our stomach to the light of your face
A narrow bridge paved with our past mistakes

Rise from the dirt like truth from the earth
The sun is a shield and the sky is a skirt
Bread needs water and water takes work
Don't strike the stone, intone the word

Stir the pot- stoke the flames
Ready or not we've unlocked the gates
The north wind blows all the hearts awake
Love flows from the soul in songs of praise

Lechadodilikrat kala, p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah!

Let’s Go, my Beloved, to meet and greet the bride; let’s receive the inner face of the Sabbath!.

The peak's only visible down in the valley
Loss and grief are just part of the journey
This too shall pass like a pillar of cloud
The tree of life sprouts from a burial mound

Voices and choices noises in the dark
That come back to haunt you and taunt you- depart!
The wine has been poured and the tent's been erected
The candles are lit- creation perfected


Lechadodilikrat kala, p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah!

Let’s Go, my Beloved, to meet and greet the bride; let’s receive the inner face of the Sabbath!.

When your head expands don't forget the heart
The left hand path embraced by the right arm
From snake to stick to staff to speech
The secret of seven, the city of peace


Gam b’smichauv’tzahalah
Tochemunai, am segula
Bo’eekallah, bo’eekallah


Come in peace, o crown of thy husband,
With rejoicin and goodcheer,
Into the midst of the faithful, the Purple People,
Come, O bride; come, O bride.


Lechadodilikrat kala, p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah!

Let’s Go, my Beloved, to meet and greet the bride; let’s receive the inner face of the Sabbath!


Hapax Logomenon


Breath held hovering between sky and ocean
Wingspan wondering which window's open
White whale wanderlust you can call me Ishmael
Lion's den - Daniel - round table holy grail
The way appears suddenly - no path to follow
Voices in your head like lightning in a bottle
Thunder clap bass line broken heart beat box
Cedar lined Sandalphon salmon song sleep talk
Solar sound system cicada symphony
Birdsong bebop order out of entropy
The band's back together - Behemoth and Leviaton
Bereshiet Blues in a twelve bar Behibaram 


Havu … beneielim


1 A Psalm of David. Give it up to G-d, all you whipper-snappers


(Psalm 29, 1)


Something from nothing turns back into one
When the huddling underlings overcome
All the obsolete obstacles divisive definitions
The most-high don't belong to any one religion
Some people find faith between the lines of a newspaper
In a skyscraper or when they're out in nature
But everyone forgets about the others in their blind spot
And that's when belief becomes a ticking time bomb
Communication breakdown kicked out of the garden
When it's worn on your sleeve eventually the heart hardens
Seventy faces of the one soul phenomenon
In every single language I'm a Hapax Legomenon 


Havu … beneielim


1 A Psalm of David. Give it up to G-d, all you whipper-snappers


(Psalm 29, 1)

These Are The Journeys


Ana b'choachgedulatyeminchatatirts’rurah
kabelrinatam’cha, sagvenu, taharenu, norah


O Lord, with the greatnes of Your powerful right hand, please loosen the bonds of our captivity.

Accept the cry of Your people; exalt and purify us, O thou who art tremendo!


We come to you with broken wings
Cranial guitars with stolen strings
Heart shaped scars start opening
For the soul to sing unspoken things

We like to picture god inside of us
But what if we were the sacred trust
Would it change the way that we discuss
The pursuit of justice can't be just us

Na gibordorsheiy'chudchak'vavatshomrem;
barchemtaharem, rachamem, tzidkatchatamidgomlem.


O most powerful God! Please protect the Seekers of Unity like the apple of your eye! Bless and purify them, and continuayrepay them with your Merciful Righteousness!


Yachidg'ehl'ameachap'neh, zochreik'dushatecha.

You who are most mighty and holy! Guide yourpeoplon with abundant goodness.

You who art unique and most excellen, regardyour people, who continuay make mention of yourholiness.

With Gentle strength and the power of peace
Please guide our steps and help us reach
That space beyond where the eye can speak
With words with wings with praise with feet

Every letter is a leaf on the tree of life
Every day is a seed in the soil of night
Every moment is a mirror take off your mask
Now we're face to face, may I have this dance?



Baruch Shem K’vodMalchutol’OlamVa’ed


Acce our prayers, and hearken to our cries. O Thou! To whom all secrets are known.

Blessed is the Name of Glory, whose sovereignty extends throughout all space and time



Of hachiee’heeit’yachadatle’tatabe’razade’echad


Just as the [six lower emanations of God] are unified in the higher world as One

So She [the Shechina/Malchut] is unified below in the mystery of Oneness


(Zohar II, 134a)


Raza de’Shabbatee’hee Shabbat




The Mystery of Shabbat is that She is completely united with the Mystery of One so that the Mystery will rest upon her as One.


(Zohar II, 134a)

Holy mystery divine mathematics
One plus one equals one can't grasp it
Unity — overcome false dichotomy
Used to confuse the human community
So we forget about our root in the celestial
But remember Truth bears fruit in the terrestrial
Spread these songs like audio Appleseed
Every seven days create another new masterpiece

Raza de’Shabbatee’hee Shabbat




The Mystery of Shabbat is that She is completely united with the Mystery of One so that the Mystery will rest upon her as One.


(Zohar II, 134a)

The Bride arrives in time through rhyme
All dressed in red like a glass of wine
Put the crown of her mind at the top of your spine
And let the light shine now the thread is white

For six days the painter painted
She became what we created
On this day the secret's stated
All for the sake of unification


V’lomar, Barchu et Ado-naiha’mivorach…

And they say “Bless God, the blessed One…”


(Zohar II, 135 b)

Run My Love


O’ l’oferha’ayalim
Al ha’reiv’samim


Make haste, my beloved, like a gazelle
or a young hart
upon the mountains of spices.


(Song of Songs 8:14)


Let go and
Leap my love
Out of love
Into love

Out from the womb of the one who warned you
Into the polemical mouth of the proverbial snake
Out of the cradle endlessly mocking
Into the beard of the bard who sings the bride's ballad

Falling in love
Flying face to
Face your fear

Arise and expand my love
Out from between the pursed lips of the cherubim
Into the rustling of leaves and wings
Out from beneath the cracked cornerstone of history
Into the temple of time in eternity

You dirty dove you've been rolling in ashes far too long
Brush off your sack cloth
You masochist
Get out of your ruinous head and don't come back without a promise a prayer a dream a drop from the ocean a seed of song from a speck of star dust

Take flight and
Soar my love
Over chagall's crooked rooftops and shalom's clumsy milk carts
Out of the efficient ovens of aushewitz
Over the crescent crowned cupolas of Córdoba
Out of the Jazz man's golden horn
Over the minarets of the Middle East of Eden
Out from behind all those pews and pages


Express yourself o' empty abstraction
Speak yourself real
Sing your soul divine
Do not disturb or delay this dance of drunken devotees spinning stories
Out from the dusty genizas of Cairo
Out of the milquetoast melting pot
Out of the graveyards museums and monuments
Off of the battle field

Return me o' love from the wilderness of civilization
Settle me back in to the garden of paradox
Take me into your atlantean arms
Let us erect our tent atop this hennaed hill of spices and
Rejoice in the rolling of waves and roaming of clouds
Our love is water running back to its source
Wine that retains the shape of a glass after it shatters

These secrets aren't for sale
But blessings are available through barter for those who make it past golgotha's gates

Beyond those rusty hinges lies an open field of incomparable radiance

O’ l’oferha’ayalim
Al ha’reiv’samim


Make haste, my beloved, like a gazelle
or a young hart
upon the mountains of spices.


(Song of Songs 8:14)